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Monday, March 21, 2011

Gadhafi's compound strike hit control center — official

WASHINGTON — (UPDATE) An airstrike against an administrative building in a compound including Moammar Gadhafi's residence in Tripoli destroyed the Libyan leader's "command and control capability," a coalition official told AFP Sunday.

The official, who asked not to be identified, commented after a missile destroyed the building in the compound that includes Gadhafi's residence in Tripoli.

"The coalition is actively enforcing UNSCR (UN Security Council Resolution) 1973, and that in keeping with that mission, we continue to strike those targets which pose a direct threat to the Libyan people and to our ability to implement the no-fly zone," the official said.

The building, which was about 50 meters (165 feet) from the tent where Gadhafi generally meets guests, was flattened. It was hit by a missile, Libyan spokesman Moussa Ibrahim told journalists, who were taken to the site by bus.

"This was a barbaric bombing which could have hit hundreds of civilians gathered at the residence of Moammar Gadhafi about 400 meters away from the building which was hit," Ibrahim said.

He denounced the "contradictions in Western discourses," saying: "Western countries say they want to protect civilians while they bomb the residence knowing there are civilians inside."

Scores of Gadhafi supporters rushed towards the complex at Bab el-Aziziya in the south of the Libyan capital after a rumor spread that a plane had been shot down and crashed.

"Where is the plane?" several of them, mainly youths, cried.

An AFP journalist saw smoke billowing from the residence and barracks at Bab el-Aziziya in the south of the Libyan capital as anti-aircraft guns fired shots.

Tripoli was rocked by powerful explosions late Sunday, of which one was heard coming from the area around Gadhafi's residence.

Gadhafi's army announced a new ceasefire on Sunday, saying it was heeding an African Union call for an immediate cessation of hostilities, but the United States accused Tripoli of breaching the truce almost immediately.

"I sincerely hope and urge the Libyan authorities to keep their word," United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in a swift reaction during a visit to Libya's eastern neighbour Egypt.

"They have been continuing to attack the civilian population. This (offer) has to be verified and tested," he told a news conference in Cairo.

Gadhafi's regime had declared a ceasefire on Friday after UN Security Council resolution 1973 authorised any necessary measures, including a no-fly zone, to stop his forces harming civilians in the fight against the rebels.

But his troops continued attacking the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, sparking action by US, British and French forces from Saturday in line with the resolution. (report from Agence France-Presse)