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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Campus journalists buck fare, tuition hikes

MANILA, Philippines - Student journalists from different universities in Metro Manila staged a noise barrage on Thursday in protest against the recent spate of fare hikes and impending tuition increases.

The noise barrage was a build-up for the activist youths’ national day of action against price and tuition hikes on February 28.

Officials of campus publications held noise barrages in the Pureza, Legarda, and Katipunan LRT stations.

Almost simultaneous with the fare hike, many schools began consultations for tuition hikes of 12%.

Antonio Perdigon, chairman of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines-National Capital Region, said government allocation for social services remains small.

He added that he is personally affected by the hikes.

Perdigon said that he has set aside 50 pesos just for his fare every day. (report from Jacque Manabat, ABS-CBN News)

POC to monitor improvement of national athletes

Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) head Jose Cojuangco Jr. said that athletes selected by national sports associations (NSAs) for the SEA Games this November will be closely monitored to ensure that Team Philippines will perform well in Indonesia.

Cojuangco said that the POC gave the NSAs a March 2 deadline to submit a list of athletes that would possibly be included in the SEA Games line-up.

The names in the list will then be monitored by four cluster heads formed by the Southeast Asian Games Games Task Force throughout the year until the SEA Games draw near.

The SEA Games Task Force has assigned Manny Lopez, Jeff Tamayo, Mark Joseph and Akiko Thomson-Guevara as the cluster heads.

Cojuangco said that the POC will do away with the usual practice of selecting athletes for the SEA Games based on medal accomplishments in the past editions of the biennial meet.

“It’s an innovation. Some medal winners become relaxed when they are already selected, because they've passed the criterion of being medal winners," said Cojuangco in the POC’s radio program on dzSR.

Cojuangco said that the new policy will ensure that the athletes will not rest on their laurels once selected by their respective NSAs as candidates for the SEA Games.

“It is a process of elimination. We want the athletes to discipline themselves. We will eliminate those candidates that are not improving during their training," said Cojuangco.

Cojuangco said that the candidates will be given top-class training in their preparation for the biennial meet. (report from KY/RCJ, GMA News)

13 more OFWs from Libya cross into Egypt

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Thursday reported 13 more overseas Filipino workers (OFW) from conflict-ridden Libya have entered Egypt and are on their way to Cairo.

In a text message, DFA spokesperson Ed Malaya said the 13 are on their way to the Filipino Workers Resource Center in Cairo.

They will join Engr. Judith Tuvera, the first Filipino who crossed the Libyan-Egypt border late Wednesday.

The DFA earlier said it expects 24 more OFWs to cross from Tobruk in Libta to Alexandria in Egypt this Thursday.

A six-man team from the DFA in Manila, led by executive director Ricardo Endaya of the Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs (OUMWA), arrived Thursday in Tripoli to assist Filipinos who are availing themselves of the voluntary repatriation program being implemented by the DFA and the Philippines embassy in the strife-torn country.

Also, a team from the Philippine embassy in Cairo, led by Consul General Renato Duenas Jr., is manning a command post at the border Egypt-Libya border to help Filipinos who will be exiting Libya from Benghazi, Al Baida, and nearby areas, according to a DFA release.

A third team, led by DFA-OUMWA principal assistant Melvin Almonguera, also arrived Tunisia-Egypt border at 5 p.m. (Manila time), according to the DFA, for Filipinos who will be exiting from the Libyan capital Tripoli and nearby areas.

The Philippine embassy in Tripoli has activated relocation sites in Tripoli and Benghazi for the Filipinos, including those from the Philippine School and the St. Francis Catholic Church in Tripoli, and the two Philippine Schools in Benghazi, the DFA said,

The repatriates from Tripoli will go to Tunis in Tunisia, and those from Benghazi and Al Baida will flee to Alexandria in Egypt by land. From there, they will catch flights to Manila.

Employers abandon OFWs

There are OFWs that have been abandoned in their campsites by Libyan and non-Libyan employers, and are now pleading for help from the Philippine embassy in Tripoli, according to an alliance of Filipino migrants’ rights group in the Middle East. The relatives of some of those workers are holding talks with the DFA in Manila.

John Leonard Monterona, regional coordinator of Migrante-Middle East, said he has received reports that some 145 OFWs are stranded inside the Al Nahar campsite in Nalut, near the border of Algeria and Tunisia and about 400 km from Tripoli.

Some 200 OFWs meanwhile are trapped in a campsite in Senawin, according to the coordinator, citing reports from Migrante’s Libya coordinator, Gil Lebria, who is among those trapped in Al Nahar.

In southeast Libay’s Kufra, bordering Egypt and Sudan, Monterona said there are about 100 OFWs who have been abandoned by their employer.

“Reports reaching us (indicate the OFWs) have been abandoned by their employers. With them are fellow migrant workers such as Thais, Viets, Bangladeshis and Chadians," Monterona said.

Also late Wednesday, Migrante said it received reports that armed men entered the camps in Al Nahar and Senawin and fired warnings shots at the gates. The armed men supposedly took with them company cars but and left the workers unharmed.

“In our assessment based on the reports we are receiving from our fellow OFWs in Libya for the past 3 days, the situation there is worst than in Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen, (with) looting, indiscriminate firing from Libyan government forces, and clashes swiftly spreading from Benghazi to Tripoli," Monterona said.

Migrante is urging the Philippine government to institute forced or compulsory evacuation in Libya, instead of voluntary repatriation, to save Filipinos from getting hurt in the highly volatile situation. (report from Jerrie M. Abella/VS, GMA News)

NZealand quake refugees swap tales of survival

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand - Earthquake refugees swapped tales of survival and loss at a packed shelter for those left homeless and destitute by the deadly tremor in New Zealand's second-biggest city.

The spartan accommodation at a school gymnasium, strewn with sleeping bags and blankets, provided little comfort to those who escaped with little more than their lives.

Up to 300 people found shelter at the hastily arranged welfare centre in Burnside High School, where neighbours did their best to provide food and clothing to those whose lives have been shattered.

Among them was Christchurch resident Sene, for whom a romantic seaside birthday celebration with his girlfriend turned into an apocalyptic nightmare when a deadly earthquake hit the city on Tuesday.

As his car shook uncontrollably during the 6.3 magnitude tremor, the 23-year-old thought the world was going to end and learned your life really does flash before your eyes when staring death in the face.

Sene, who declined to give his surname, had taken the day off work to be with his girlfriend and they were parked in an idyllic bay at Lyttelton, on the city's outskirts, when the quake struck, killing at least 76 people.

"It felt like the end of the world. I thought my car was going to break into pieces, and my life really flashed before my eyes," he told AFP.

"And the noise. It seemed like the hills were going to fall over. It was a nerve-wracking sound."

As he made his way to his home in the central city, Sene said he saw horrifying scenes of dazed and bleeding people fleeing in the other direction from the carnage in the inner city.

Aftershocks dislodged loosened masonry, which rained down on terrified residents who had run onto the street from packed in shops and offices.

"There were rocks everywhere, people were crying and bleeding. Then when I got home I found my place was pretty much destroyed."

Some at the centre gathered and swapped stories, while others sat silent and dazed as they stared into the distance. A group of children took shots at a basketball hoop in the school grounds.

Many had been still struggling to get back on their feet after suffering considerable loss and trauma in the 7.0 earthquake which hit Christchurch six months ago, damaging 100,000 buildings.

"I'm in an awfully distressed state," said Peter Kine, 70, who was forced to vacate his apartment.

"I didn't like the other one either, it was damn frightening.

"I was afraid for my life. I thought I was going to die."

Holly Phelan, 21, clutching her three-week-old baby told how she she staggered home from a shopping mall to find her house a mess and without electricity.

A neighbour heated up water on his barbeque so she could warm the baby's milk.

Holly was with her mother Diane Burke, who battled through cracked and congested roads to reach her daughter and granddaughter when her own home was destroyed.

"Everything was on the floor at my place, the TVs were smashed and the place is structurally damaged. My whole life was in ruins and then when I saw Holly's place we came here."

They have now been forced to find alternative accommodation far north of Christchurch as the welfare centre, in a city still hit by power cuts, lacks the facilities for them to safely feed and care for the baby.

Like many people at the centre, Pat Lightowler and Nancy Lee moved into the refuge because they were too scared to stay in their homes alone.

"I feel traumatised," said Lee.

"I had just got out of my friend's car and was walking into my music lesson when it happened. Then the front of the building fell down. If I'd been any earlier I would have been caught in the building."

"I just thought I was going to die," said Lightowler. (report from Chris Foley, Agence France-Presse)

PNoy defends actions for OFWs in Libya

MANILA, Philippines – President Benigno Aquino III on Thursday spoke about government's efforts to evacuate Filipinos from Libya amid criticisms from overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and their families that it was acting too slowly.

“We have sent 6 members of the DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs) to assist the embassy there plus 5 from DOLE (Department of Labor and Employment). So we have sent 11 additional personnel to assist our citizens in Libya,” Aquino said in a press conference in Malacañang.

Aquino said the government is also negotiating with 2 airlines to evacuate Filipinos who want to leave Libya.

“We are negotiating with both PAL (Philippine Airlines) and a Middle Eastern airlines, I think it’s the Qatar Airways, to lease their planes to be able to bring back to the country those of our citizens who would want to come back here,” he said.

The president said the cost involved in leasing a plane is roughly P13-million per flight. The flight can accommodate between 200 to 300 passengers.

Standby fund ready

As for funding, Aquino said there is a standby fund for mandatory evacuation, which is accessible to the embassy and DOLE, amounting to P100 million.

“There are substantial funds that can still be released if there is a need to physically evacuate all of our citizens,” he added.

He explained that it is important to be very cautious when moving people around so as not to increase their danger.

“The problem with the actual evacuation, as you all know, there has been a lot of killings already in Libya, the question of safety of moving our people from wherever, to their destination also has to take in mind whether it increases their risks,” he said.

“The best that we can do at this point in time is first, instead of picking each and everyone from their individual places of employment or residences, have them in more manageable groups, so that when the opportunity arises when we can bring them to another country, be it by boat or by plane or over land routes, then we would be able to do so with the least amount of risk possible,” he explained.

Primary exit points

The government is working with both Tunisia and Egypt as the primary exit points of Filipinos fleeing Libya.

“Now if it’s possible, we are also talking to a shipping company na ang cost ay medyo quite exorbitant, about a million euros, kung sakaling kakailanganin to bring them to Malta, which is another nearby area. It really depends on where they are grouping together ano ba yung closest to exit Libya and get away from the violence that is happening there,” the president said.

On Tuesday, the DFA said it had raised its alert level in Libya to 3, which calls for voluntary repatriation of Filipinos.

“We are prioritizing dapat yung mga taong hindi kabilang sa mga kumpanyang may kanya-kanyang evacuation plans. Sinisigurado po natin na lahat ma-account, lahat maaabisuhan,” Aquino said.

Aside from government efforts, Aquino said the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is also assisting Filipinos and other migrant workers in Libya.

“They are also drawing up plans and actualizing these plans to safeguard all of these migrants who are working in Libya. We are participating in their efforts. We are also asking their assistance to assist our citizens,” said Aquino.

When asked if Manila was planning to sever ties with Libya, the president said it “would not be the time to break relations with them”.

“Baka naman pag-initan ang mga kababayan natin doon. First duty of our government is to protect our citizens,” he stressed. (report from

Zambales launches sports fest to boost tourism

CANDELARIA, Zambales -- Zambales will stage its very own "Zamba Multisports Festival 2011" from March 18 to 20 on the beach strip of the serene Uacon Cove in an effort to market the province as a tourist and sports destination.

Zambales Gov. Hermogenes "Jun" Ebdane Jr. announced Wednesday night the province's coming out party in the field of sports, stressing "it's about time the country gets to know Zambales as a local government unit that is focused on youth and sports development."

"Before, people ask 'Where is Zambales?' or 'Where is Candelaria?'. With this Zamba Multisports Festival 2011, we are opening up the province not only as a tourist and sports destination, but eventually an economic hub as well," said Ebdane, a former Philippine National Police (PNP) chief and public works secretary.

The Zamba Multisports Festival 2011 kicks off on March 18 with a 120-km cycling competition on an out-and-back course at the provincial capitol in Iba (via Sta. Cruz).

Day 2 on March 19 will see competitions in the Dawal Open Water Swimming Race, which will cover a 2-km open sea swim from the Dawal Beach Resort to picturesdque Potipot Island and back.

On the same day, the National Ultimate Black Sands Frisbee eliminations for the national series will be held on Uacon Cove's magnetized sand, after which a duathlon competition (5-km swim, 30-km bike, 3-km run) will be staged. The day will be capped by a Bikini Open at the Dawal Beach Resort.

Day 3 on March 20 will be highlighted by the Blacksands Triathlon.

Melvin Fausto of the Triathlon Association of the Philippines (TRAP) said the triathlon competition will be part of the National Age Group Triathlon Series which is focused on tapping young potentials for the national team.

According to Fausto, TRAP discovered a young potential in John Chicano of Sta. Cruz town, who is now a member of the national juniors pool.

The cycling event, which will have two categories (open and amateur), will have a maximum of 200 participants, while the triathlon competition will close its registry when it breaches 150.

Antonio Vasquez of the Ultimate Frisbee Association said the frisbee event will be part of their own national series which will culminate in a grand finals in Boracay this summer.

Ebdane hopes such sporting event will jumpstart Zambales as a tourism destination and at the same time push its economy.

"There are already Boracay, Siargao and La Union, and Zambales would like to gain its niche in the sports tourism industry," said Ebdane. "Zambales has the cleanest beaches that are practically undisturbed." (report from

ABS-CBN to air Azkals-Mongolia 2nd match

ABS-CBN Sports has confirmed that it will air the second leg of the Challenge Cup home-and-away series between the Philippine Azkals and Mongolia on March 15.

The game will be aired live starting 12 noon on Studio 23.

The Azkals will need to beat or tie with the Mongolian Blue Wolves in the second leg to advance into the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Challenge Cup group stage.

The game will take place in Ulan Bator, Mongolia.

The Azkals beat the Mongolians, 2 goals to nil, in the first leg that took place at the jampacked Panaad Stadium in Bacolod City on Feb. 10.

The game was also aired by Studio 23. (report from

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chinese telecom giant calls off US deal

BEIJING (AP) – A major Chinese telecoms equipment maker is scrapping its effort to acquire a US computer company after a security panel refused to approve the deal.

Huawei Technologies Ltd.'s bid to acquire 3Leaf Systems came amid concern in some countries about China's growing economic might and political assertiveness. American critics said the deal might allow sensitive technology to be transferred to China's military.

Huawei had said it hoped to win White House approval despite the recommendation by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to cancel the deal. But in a weekend announcement, Huawei reversed course and said it would withdraw its application.

"This was a difficult decision, however we have decided to accept the recommendation of CFIUS to withdraw our application to acquire specific assets of 3Leaf," the company said in a brief statement. "The significant impact and attention that this transaction has caused were not what we intended. Rather, our intention was to go through all the procedures to reveal the truth about Huawei."

Huawei said it "will remain committed to long-term investment in the United States."

Huawei is one of the biggest makers of network switching gear and reported sales of $28 billion last year. It has struggled to gain a foothold in the United States against rivals such as Cisco Systems Inc.

Huawei was founded by a former Chinese military officer, which has fueled speculation about its links to the People's Liberation Army. The company says it is owned by its employees and has no military connection.

Companies that fail to receive CFIUS approval usually withdraw proposed deals.

In 2008, Huawei and an American partner, Bain Capital, withdrew a request for US government approval of a bid to buy 3Com. The companies said they failed to satisfy national security concerns.

Huawei says it failed to apply for approval of the $2 million 3Leaf deal in advance because it bought the company's technology and hired some employees, rather than acquiring the whole company. The Pentagon took the unusual step of demanding that Huawei retroactively apply for a CFIUS review.

At a congressional hearing in Washington last week, National Intelligence Director James Clapper said the case highlighted the importance of ensuring that US industry was aware of potential security threats "when we depend on foreign concerns for key components in any of our telecommunications network." (report from

KC reveals recent getaway with Piolo

MANILA, Philippines - Lovers Piolo Pascual and KC Concepcion are noticeably more accommodating in letting the public peek into their private lives.

After Pascual’s overly dramatic confirmation of their romance a few weeks ago, Concepcion proved too quick in sharing another “update” of sorts about the relationship--and just seconds into opening their Feb. 20 episode of "The Buzz."

“This week I should’ve been in Vietnam with Piolo and his family for a family reunion but absent na ako last week so I just thought it should be nice to be here,” said she amid screams from the studio audience.

She didn’t stop there. Concepcion also discussed—and ever so eagerly—her post-Valentine’s date with Pascual last Feb. 15.

“Grabe, para niya akong kinidnap,” said she gushing.

According to Concepcion, she didn’t realize that Pascual was planning something big given that he had worked late the day before.

“At nakatulog kasi ako sa byahe," said she. "Tapos pag-gising ko Subic Bay Yacht club na.”

“Sabi ko, ‘Anong meron dito?’ Tapos biglang may lumapit sa amin, tapos sabi, ‘Sir, your boat is ready.’ Napatalon talaga ako sa tuwa.”

According to the “The Buzz” report, the two had a sunset yacht cruise, after which they had an intimate dinner at the Club’s bar--reserved by Pascual beforehand, especially for the occasion. Concepcion, who is apparently into mixing cocktails, enjoyed preparing drinks for themselves.

Still seemingly on cloud nine, she also divulged that it was her first real Valentine’s date.

“I’ve had two serious relationships and they're both long-distance relationships as in literal, nasa ibang bansa sila. And if I had dated a French guy before eh, they don’t celebrate naman Valentine’s Day as a tradition,” she explained.

Concepcion showed pictures of the landmark moment as proof. "Ipinagmamalaki ko lang,” she quipped.

Concepcion went on to downplay the pricey getaway, insisting that the thought behind it mattered more.

“Kahit na boat or Subic pa 'yun, ang pinakaimportante na ibinigay niya sa akin ‘yung handwritten note and ‘yung time niya.” (report from Neil Ramos, Manila Bulletin)

Palace: Aquino not yet an anti-smoking poster boy

Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda said on Monday that President Beningno Simeon Aquino III has already cut down on smoking but is not yet ready to become the poster boy of the anti-smoking campaign of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA).

Lacierda said it was not fair to ask the President to lead the anti-smoking campaign when the public is fully aware that Aquino continues to smoke as a way of "de-stressing."

“This is a very stressful job and one of his ways of de-stressing is to smoke. Patuloy pa rin ang kanyang plano to cut down on smoking, let’s leave it at that," Lacierda said.

"This is part of his de-stressing and also apart from his exercise. So I cannot comment beyond that," he added.

The important thing is that Aquino has already reduced the number of cigarette sticks that he consumes daily, Lacierda said.

However, Lacierda failed to say how many cigarettes Aquino consumes a day.

The PMA earlier said Aquino should be the driving force behind an effective implementation of the World Health Organization-Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC) treaty that the Philippines signed in 2005.

The group added that Aquino has the duty to safeguard the health and wellness of the Filipinos. (report from VVP, GMA News)

Malacañang eyes creation of credit information bureau

The creation of a credit information bureau may solve various complaints against financial institutions that exact high interest rates on credit card users, Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said Monday.

Lacierda also said President Benigno Aquino III leans on strengthening credit responsibility and better credit identity rather than tax reduction for credit card holders.

"Tax reduction is not something we are looking at right now... but creating a credit information bureau and emphasizing responsibility of credit card holders," Lacierda said in a press briefing.

This was one of the subject matters the President discussed during his meeting with the board of directors of the Asian Development Bank.

Aquino and the officials of the multilateral bank also discussed good governance, anti-corruption efforts, anti-poverty measures, fiscal management policy, and judicial reforms.

Lacierda said the President thanked the ADB for its continued support to the conditional cash transfer program and the public-private partnership initiative of the government. (report from JE, GMA News)

Meet the Faces of KaJoyfulness Episode 9

Episode 9 of "Meet the Faces of KaJoyfulness" featuring the "Classic Edition" video of the former talents Janice Licao, Elisha Bohol, Verna Rellon, Jimmarc Quijano & Godfrey Macabiog.

Mt. Bulusan spews 3-km ash column — Phivolcs

Mt. Bulusan in Sorsogon spewed a three-kilometer ash column Monday morning, covering several villages in its southwest with ash, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

In its advisory, Phivolcs said Bulusan had an ash explosion at about 9:12 a.m.

A day before the explosion, two volcanic earthquakes were recorded in the volcano, the agency said.

Much of the ash from the eruption drifted over the towns of Irusan in the southwest of the volcano. The restive volcano has been showing seismic and steaming activities since November.

Bulusan Volcano’s status remains at Alert Level 1. This means that the source of activity is hydrothermal and shallow.

Phivolcs bans the entry into the four-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) since the area is at risk to sudden steam and ash explosions. (report from Kristine Alave, Philippine Daily Inquirer)